
Gerard Brady

gerard brady

gerard brady Dear Tec-Blog followers gerard 1 My name is Gerard, I am from Ireland and began working here at TEC Idiomes in 2006 and have enjoyed teaching ever since. I live in Castellón de la Plana with my Family. I would to like start by saying,  I have seen a continuous evolution since I first started, especially in the services that are offered to students and of course the facilities. My role, which is one of the many tools offered here at TEC to advance the students language level is to focus on language in the classroom. gerard2 Furtermore, my students are very diverse and interesting so I can find myself preparing lessons on all manner of subjects as well as teaching different age groups at various levels and preparing students for oficial exams. I also identify with the challanges facing my students in terms of language acquisition as I continue learning Spanish. gerard 3  Finally, I work in a team of very dedicated teachers and administrative staff who are always focused on offering the best service to the student while mantaining a very friendly and down to earth attitude. Yours Faithfully. Gerard Brady PS And of course you get a mini lesson in formal writing for B2  

Categories: Personal TEC 


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